Wednesday, November 17, 2010


How is it that in the year 2010 people are still calling people of color "niggers".  What is the purpose?  I have a theory...Wanna hear it?  Read on...if not...go back to fucking your sister you hillbilly!

I am a white woman of no determined descent.  I do know that my forefathers on my Father's side were French-Canadian Fur Traders...I also know that my natural Mother's maiden name is Reyes and there are rumors that her father was mexican and deported.  Other than that, I have no clue.  I have no specific culture with which I identify.  I feel this is the problem with most caucasion people who live in the US.  I think this lack of identity is part to blame for our anger and/or jealously at minorities. 

People of color...I hate to use the word "Black".....I prefer "Brown"...have a history.  Whether it be a Tribe in modern-day Africa, or a distant relative who was a slave, people of color know where they came from.  They know their history...their struggles and their triamphs.  The have a set place to refer to in their own progession as a people. know.  They want to be like us...but hate us as a hole.  Fuck, we bombed japan...and yet they are the leaders in Technology.  We haven't gone to war with China specifically, but we fear them...And yet we continue to open factories and import their goods.  

India...well, what can I say...  I tried to contact Dell Computers and got a call center in India.  I didn't even try.  How can I explain my problem to someone who only knows basic english?  It is a serious blow to basic Customer Service.  AND...they seem to be dominating the Medical Field....   Do they really give a shit if Americans live or die?  I have my doubts.

Native Americans.....white people fucked them over good.  I will never understand how a white guy could "discover" a country, a land, in which humans already live.
Can you imagine...sitting by the river...minding your own business...and along comes hundreds of white men on horses....coming at you at full speed...shooting and screaming?  What the fuck? 
I think I connect with the Native American culture the most.  I believe we are One with Mother Earth.  All things are of one Spirit.  How unfortunate that the Tribes have been treated as vermin and non-humans. 
What a violation of human rights. 

Today I saw something on a website that showed an altercation in a resturaunt.  The participants were black...all women....all in Holloween costume.   It was awful...and should have never been aired.  What disappointed me the most were the racist, stereotypical remarks made by random viewers.  Not only did they refer to the women as Niggers...they went as far as to call them Apes.....
What kind of ignorant hillbilly still calls black people apes? 
What kind of insecure white MAN has to stoop to racial slurs?
I have concluded, after 48 years of observation, that white men are still scared that the Black man is going to want PayBack for all the horrible shit they have done over the generations.  White men, in groups....will name call...throw big shit and attack smaller groups.  However, when a white guy is outnumbered by people of color they become the biggest bitches you've ever seen.  It's amusing to me...cuz I see thru the bull shit.

I gotta go for now....It's late and I need sleep.
Be Strong my brothers...and "FUCK WHITEY"


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